Monday, January 5, 2009

Who are we?

This blog is created for the purpose of competing in a Webquest competition for schools.

We are 3 happy people from Pärnu, who believe in the success of pushing da button. Actually, the way how we came up with our name is a long story.. we'll tell you when we meet in person :)

Our team consists of Kairi, Eliise and Kristo. We are classmates, and very social persons. We are also the members of our school's student council, and are very active outside the school, too. Our favourite activity is laughing and having a good time.

So.. without further boring stuff, here comes a longer description of each of us:

Name: Kairi
Age: 14
Favourite activity: Sleeping :)
Unique way of saying: "Sorry.. I'm blond and proud of it."
Hobbies: Tennis, dancing.

Name: Eliise
Age: 14
Favourite activity: laughing and sleeping
Favourite quotation: Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others. - O.Wilde
Adjectives to describe her my fellow team-mates: blond, cheerful, a big motivator for smaller children.

Name: Kristo
Age: 15
Favourite activity: Doing something useful.
Favourite quotation: "People have a choice - to be happy, or not to be happy." Kristo Peterson