Monday, January 19, 2009

Module 9 - Answers.

  1. Which is the largest and most respected international competition of Hip Hop dance?

    The World Hip Hop Championship in America is currently the largest and arguably the most respected of the International competitions for Hip Hop Dance featuring the world´s most recognised dance crews and nations.

    (we got the answer from

  2. What are the styles of Hip Hop?

    It can include a wide range of styles such as breaking, popping, locking and krumping, and even house dance.

    (we got the answer from

  3. Where was Hip Hop first danced?

    In New York.

    (we got the answer from

  4. When did hip hop dancing evolve into heavier and more aggressive forms?

    During the 1990s and 2000s, parallel with the evolution of hip hop music.

    (we got the answer from

  5. When did new dance styles begin to appear?

    In the late 1980s.

    (we got the answer from

Hip hop dancer: