Monday, January 19, 2009

Module 8 - Answers.

  1. What is the highest point of Great Britain?

    It is the Ben Nevis mountain, 1344m high.

    (we got the answer from

  2. What is the Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland called?

    The flag is called the Union Jack.

    (we got the answer from

  3. What is the population of Great Britain?

    The population of Great Britain is at present nearing 60 million people.

    (we got the answer from

  4. Does the Isle of Man belong to Great Britain?

    The Isle of Man doesn't belong to Great Britain. It is the direct dependency of the British Crown, maintaining its own legislative, monetary and taxation system.

    (we got the answer from

  5. When was the name Great Britain first officially used and by whom?

    The term "Great Britain" was officially used only after King James I (who was also James VI of Scotland) acceded to the throne of England and Wales in 1603.

    (we got the answer from