Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Module 14 - Answers.

1. What are the three greatest traditions in Wales?

There are many great traditions of Wales, but three stand out that make it culturally distinct from its neighbors: the Eisteddfod, the Noson Lawen and the Cymanfa Ganu.

(We got the answer from: http://www.britannia.com/wales/culture1.html)

The map of Wales:

2. What is the highest mountain in Wales and how high it is?

Snowdon is the highest mountain at 3,560 feet.

(We got the answer from: http://www.data-wales.co.uk/wstats.htm)

3. How does the Welsh flag look like?

The Welsh flag has two equal horizontal stripes, white above green, and a large red dragon passant.

(We got the answer from: http://www.data-wales.co.uk/flag.htm)

The Welsh flag:

4. What is the capital of Wales?

The capital of Wales is Cardiff.

(We got the answer from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wales)

5. Which are the most popular sports in Wales?

The most popular sports in Wales are rugby union and football.

(We got the answer from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wales)